
Thursday, April 29, 2010

I wonder what...

"When you wake up in the morning, Pooh," said Piglet at last, "what's the first thing you say to yourself?"

"What's for breakfast?" said Pooh. "What do you say, Piglet?"

"I say, I wonder what's going to happen exciting today?" said Piglet.

Pooh nodded thoughtfully.

"It's the same thing," he said.

art: Classic Pooh 03 By Nico by ~OrangeAsgard on deviantART

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Validation, a movie

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Quote - Dale Carnegie

Are you bored with life? Then throw yourself into some work you believe in with all you heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find happiness that you had thought could never be yours.~ Dale Carnegie

Friday, April 23, 2010 - "When I Grow Up..."

I don't think that anyone ever really thought this... but as we are conditioned to forget our Love, our Passion, and resign them to just "hobbies," then we are relegated to live an unfulfilled existence...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

emotions are your compass


what a range... so varied and appropriate at various points...

but what's the purpose? what does it all mean?

simply, my friends... emotions are your compass. pure and simple.

you could have listened to countless recordings, watched youtube for days, attended seminars and read every book... and it all comes back to the point that emotions are your compass. nothing else.

what does one use a compass for? it is a navigational instrument for determining direction... as this physical device shows you relative to the world around you, exactly what direction you are pointed, the same process happens with your emotions...

as your thoughts become things, whether you want them or not, your emotions show you which path you really truly (at the core of your being) want to travel down

huh? how?

well, if your thoughts are the roads, then you have a wealth of choices around you. you encounter new ones all the time. as you turn to face one choice after another, you have a signaling beacon inside of you... for this road, you feel joy. turn to the next and you feel sadness. yet another brings anger and another shows depression. each choice asks of your Source to signal the best path to take.

but the choice is always yours. and it is never wrong. for as you may choose a path that causes pain, you learn. and in choosing a path that brings love, you learn.

so the most important question you could ever ask yourself is one simple question and it should be asked of yourself at every juncture, no matter its seeming importance:
how do i feel?

ever confused and need help? not really a need to ask friends and family (although their responses will resonate the same as asking the question)... just ask:
how do i feel?

but relax. there are no bad decisions. your compass is always right, but the user may choose a different path. love the freedom. love the journey.

remember that button that gets pushed? and the snap anger that floods your body? you've stared down the road and had a very important advice from your compass. "how do i feel?" you ask... good or bad? let that decide your next step instead of following old patterns, learned through the years... don't walk your father's path, who walked his father and his father and his father's path... ask the question and consciously choose

but relax. there is no right or wrong. its your compass and your choice.

just love the journey.

art: compass by ~GavinTung on deviantART

Friday, April 16, 2010

you cannot live for someone else

your life is your own and not one other person's life.  contrariwise, everyone else has their own existence that you cannot control.

so please do not live your life for someone else.  do not try to fulfill their dreams or desires.  do not figure their plot into your script.  do not write their ending into your play.

for to do so, is like filling your hands with the water of your life and then trying to hand it over to them while they have hands cupped, already full with their own water...  further, you can never get their temperature of water right, and you will always scold or freeze your hands with the temperature of their "dreams"

nothing you do is more important than what you want, what you love and desire.

i fell into this pattern, as many many of us tend to, listening to our parents, wanting so much for love and affection, mistaking their guidance towards "the right" path as directions or instructions on how they can love you the most.

caution!  this path is a dangerous and treacherous one, filled with heartache and despair.  for you can never get another's dream perfect...  .::PAUSE::.  is it possible that someone else, someone who has never been inside your mind, someone who has never envisioned what makes your skin tickle, could know the exact details of your dreamy dreams?  then likewise, it would be a waste to expect you to truly know theirs.

and yet, many of us trudge along, resigned to the life long failing pursuit of pleasing someone else and their dreamy desires.  some so long that the dreamer has passed on and we have held on so long that we must "make it right."

how foolish...  remember the water?  so if you were to get the temperature just right and in the right way, exactly, perfectly... even IF (which you can't), but even IF...  well now they aren't even there anymore...  they don't even have HANDS for which you could drop their dreamy water in!!  how silly of us?!?!

so i promise you, you'll start feeling better once you let go...  stop living their life... stop living your lie...  start in this instant to live your love, just as you experience its ever unfolding and forever expanding intricacies...

don't worry about those other dreamers who would have you pause your dreams for theirs...  they may get angry for 5 minutes... or 5 days... or 5 years... but in the meantime, you'll exponentially increase your life's joyous loving experience...  and isn't that worth it?

i promise you'll love it...  open your cupped hands and let their scolding hot water drop.  grab the faucet and put your perfect temperature stream of dreams in your OWN hands!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

the glass half full... or is it?

so common is the saying "the glass half full."  implying that for the same exact object, there are two possible views, two possible observations that give way to the disposition of the observer:  half full from the positive viewpoint and half empty from the frowned upon negative stance.

a glass with half of its possible space containing presumably a liquid and the other half containing nothing.

or is it?

have we really been looking at this concept so poorly?  to simply break this image down to just two sides of the coin, quickly ushering all people to choose one side or the other?

have we really just not noticed what's really going on?  well, i don't blame us.  of course, so many for so long have pushed us to one side or the other, clearly (and sometimes hypocritically) trying to make the world a better place by choosing the "half full" option...  or at least wanting you to say you choose that option so we don't have to talk about it anymore!!

but clearly, we have missed the point.  i return to the description of the object in question... a glass with half of its possible space containing presumably water and the other half containing nothing.


indubitably, it is not "nothing."  it is air.  such a simple word used to describe a very complex mixture of several components, all intricately transfused in perfect fashion.  perfect enough to allow an internal combustion engine to propel our vehicles to work or across the world and perfect enough for every plant and animal to support life through its presence.

and just how complex?

well, 99.998% is comprised of Nitrogen (78.084%), Oxygen (20.947%), Argon (0.934%) and Carbon Dioxide (0.033%).  The remaining 0.002% is filled with Neon, Helium, Krypton, Sulfur Dioxide, Methane, Hydrogen, Nitrous Oxide, Xenon, Ozone, Nitrogen Dioxide, Iodine, Carbon Monoxide and Ammonia.

wow.  you can see that is a whole lot of not "nothing."

well, we didn't come here to have a science lesson, did we?  but the point is that while the simple observation is that the glass is half full and half empty...

...the glass is really completely full.

and so is the true observation of our lives that we miss.  oh, and we miss it so frequently and sometimes on such a grand scale that entire generations, entire lands of people, full cultures and societies are lost to some illusion that there was ever a choice between the half full or the half empty.

you never really had a choice.

your glass has always been completely full.

now, you may not have been able to see the other half, not with the naked eye.  it may have been completely invisible to everyone else as well; no taste, no touch, no smell or sound.  but it was there.  and in such a perplexedly precise fashion with all the right numbers and elements, waiting to be used correctly, waiting for you to notice it, to know of its existence and wholeheartedly keep faith that it is there.

so rest easy with your choices between the seemingly "bad" and the "good."  between the "positive" and the "negative."  because in the end (and in the beginning... and for everything in between) there is only you.  completely full.  and the materials and their percentages will change around a bit... you'll add in and tip out many things over the course of your stay in this existence, but it is always you, always completely full.

don't fret over finding this "missing piece."  there is no "other half" to complete you.  you always had it...  when you feel complete is when you have realized that you always had it.  that's when you can "see the air."

hopefully you will find it easier (even in the tiniest and almost immeasurable amount) to find acceptance of yourself in the here and now, completely for everything that you are.  a full cup, partly invisible to the world... the part that keeps us all alive and that is so powerful it can help rocket a Bugatti Veyron to 253mph...  wow!