
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Light... Space... and Resistance

(originally posted on July 5, 2009)

I believe I have come upon a revelation for myself... let's hope that you can share in the exuberance of my experience. Over the past few days I have toyed with the idea of sharing this idea I have stumbled across, but as I keep revisiting the notion of sharing, I have decided that is what I shall do.

A few days ago, I was in the shower... thinking... as I usually do... Something that I have been thinking for a long time, a singular idea, had transformed itself-- no, mutated-- and rolled into some recent knowledge.

Let me explain:

For years, I have understood the physics of light and heat... We use words like "Bright" and "Dark" or "Warm" and "Cold" but when you break it down... there really only is "Light" and "The Absence of Light" or "Heat" and "The Absence of Heat"

Well, let's think on this... In outer space, we can see Light coming from a star or sun, or reflecting off a planet or moon... but otherwise, there is The Absence of Light. "Darkness." "Space." Likewise, in outer space, there is no atmosphere to hold on to the radiation emitted from the Sun. So astronauts feel comfortable in their suits in the presence of this Heat... until they round to the back side of the moon where they are in The Absence of Heat.

So I came to this thought with the soapy water dribbling down my face one morning and it clicked into the idea of Resistance. Many people find things "hard" in their life because they are resisting something, anything, everything. And I have found the teachings of Abraham-Hicks and many, many others to explain that in the process of Allowing, you have found The Absence of Resistance. This is "The Secret." Allowing what you are Attracting.

And I use the words this way to convey the relative action involved... Resistance is the action... The Absence of Resistance is the goal... to Allow... and thats really the "easy" part..

To Resist is to see the distance from where you are to where you want to be... to Resist is to feel bad about not having your desires in the present...

But to find The Absence of Resistance is to see your desires and relax in knowing, having faith, that they are coming and on the way down the easiest path to you... to Allow is to sit back on this journey, this exhilarating ride of life and ENJOY...

To Resist is to wake up, already frustrated with your day before its started, to yell at people in traffic, mumble judgments about people and the world around you, spill the coffee on your shirt, get yelled at by the boss, smear mustard on your pants at the lunch that didn't taste good, get snickered at by coworkers, get a ticket on the way home and have the power be out on your street all night long...

and while the unfamiliar may look around and observe these as things that happen TO YOU, the familiar understand that your attitude, your action of Resistance is what started the whole process... your action brought you to the frustrations...

To Allow is to wake up, loving the sun on your face, the refreshing drops of water across your skin as you easily get ready in the perfect pace to be on time, driving effortlessly through the world to get where you want, finding the perfect music on the radio, seeing humorous advertisments, compliments at work, good food for lunch, and good television and books to read at home with a loving family to help keep you active and feeling loved.

You see, to RESIST is the hard part... it causes the pain... it is the action...
You see, to ALLOW is the easy part... it allows the joy... it is the non-action...

So... my advice today (and everyday) is to stop the hard action and relax into the easy non-action.

Allow yourself to love and see the loving nature of the world around you. Allow yourself to envision the world as you want it and have faith that its already on its way, piece by piece. And it now requires no more action. Not one bit.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Travel Down The Path So Worn

given the option, most will choose to walk the worn path...

many of you will choose the way already traveled by many others-- the foliage and debris already pushed to the side by the pioneers long passed and several more of their followers...

with loose dirt and snow packed down into the earth by footstep after footstep, the travel is readily made simple, almost effortless for the journey ahead...

no guessing where to turn or which direction to take-- the path is easily seen out for thousands of yards. almost no surprises arise. no complications. no imagination. no concern.

it is easy to expect that many young ones will follow the path, their little feet and quick steps on steady ground trailing behind well-traveled boots... not knowing much beyond the path with such a short focus on just small distance forward...

but is it really you?
were you meant to follow the path of so many others? to stay in the line with the unquestioned direction of the masses, never straying into the cold, barren landscape?

having walked the path for so long, do you continue because of habit? because of comfort? because of fear?

know in comfort that but a handful venture off the path worn in the earth... and not many for long, returning shortly to the "easy" way...

no doubt, it is tougher to take those uncertain steps into the soft snow, unsure of the depth, unknowing of the hazards... blazing one's own trail requires faith, strength and direction...

but you are not alone...
know that there are many, many people are waiting for a new path... waiting, dreaming of a new direction... make peace in the knowing that there are hundreds, no thousands (maybe more), that will change quickly to follow a new path, your new path...

once started, keep the passion... if you tire, turn around and see the long line of those behind you, in support, in peace, in love of your new path which you have made easy for them... look into the eyes of the young ones who could not have attempted such an enterprise and feel their gratitude for the steps you take before them that allow their little feet to touch the stable ground...

make peace in the knowing that you will get funny, disappointed stares (and shaking heads and foul words) from those who turn back to see you on your own way... (pay them no mind)... know that you are loved for straying from the worn path by those behind you that will get to experience ease for your struggle... love the knowing that you will inspire many new paths branched from your own...

try it today

right now

take that first step

no matter if you fall back into the worn path once or twice or thirty times... at this point, that worn trail is so wide and banked that many people and many times, most will fall back in line...

but take the step nonetheless

for each next one will feel easier, more invigorating

try it today

right here, right now

i'll see you when we cross in the bleak, hazy and uncharted wilderness... and i'll have my arms open with love for your perseverance...

Monday, January 25, 2010

push the limits to succeed? or just go with the flow?

a friend posted a quote by Bernard Edmonds:
“To dream anything that you want to dream. That's the beauty of the human mind. To do anything that you want to do. That is the strength of the human will. To trust yourself to test your limits. That is the courage to succeed.” which I replied:
"nice... but i think i don't have to test my limits to succeed... i think success is on its way all the time, like standing in the middle of an endless shower of shooting stars, perfect burning embers, radiantly storming into our lives~~ I just have to have the courage to turn with the flow, hop on and enjoy the journey..."
...and so i pose the question:

are you pushing your limits? are you pushing against the wall to see what you're made of? to see exactly how far the wall doesn't move when you push against it, to get more of the same with the struggle of always trying, trying, trying to do more, get more, see more, be more.

or are you slowing down to realize the stream of energy that effortlessly and continuously abounds around you? are you noticing the radiance and beauty of all that is, just ho-humming along in your direction waiting for you to notice it, to grab hold of the reins and blast off faster than you could have ever imagined?

don't worry which way you are moving... i write this and still i do not know where i am! but i am feeling that neither is right or wrong... but i can tell you which one is easier and will feel better.... :-)


Wednesday, January 20, 2010



counted high. cut down low.

used to measure our self worthiness. judged how we care for ourselves.

frequently admonished against the pleasure when "out of bounds." rarely commended for the struggled accomplishment of "staying in line."

we denounce them as evil-doers, assistants to the
demise of our heath. scarcely ever extolled as the life-force with which we survive.

and exceedingly, we attach doomsday proportions to such a neutral tool in our lives. perhaps there is more to this phenomenon than just the latest sweeping health craze. is it rather that we have come to
accept despair, discouragement, trials and tribulations?

have we really lost hope in the good of life and resorted to wearing shaded glasses all the time, denying most of the light in our lives from reaching our eyes?

maybe the first step is to look around and notice that it is not all that bad. maybe the first action is to change the words. maybe we need to see calories as the beneficial energy source that they are.

today, i change what calories mean to me. today, calories become life-force. today, calories become god-source.

today, calories become good.

oh what exciting changes this will bring to other words in my life.


Monday, January 18, 2010


life is a curious thing, bringing much contrast to our daily senses

what will you choose when you are given something unwanted?

curse it...
praise it...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

fair or right?

is it better to be fair or be right?
is it better to share or to fight?

many years ago, i would have chosen the latter option on both... but i feel now there are easier ways to deal with the world.
and i feel that the word "better" has changed meaning for me to "easier" in that "easy" is what i strive for.

many times, headstrong, i would form opinions and battle to defend-- to destroy opposition-- to win every fight. in fact, i sought out fights.

many mornings i would don my armor, preparing for a day of tumultuous arguments to win win win.

today, i rest.
now, feeling what i know is true, i can rest.
it is easier for me to see fairness... to feel the love in sharing... to know the peace of collaboration.
every interaction i have, i can feel my calm transfer and i no longer battle.
my energy assuages apprehension in ways unimaginable to the young soul. no need any longer for any battle, to attack or defend.
there is no right or wrong, only different, a contrast i welcome like the morning sun's kiss on my cheek after a restful slumber.
there is no requirement for my battle-worn armor to defend, for there is none that exists who can slay love.

tonight, i rest.
now, sitting in serenity, a lullaby of love wraps her arms around me.
all i can feel is the warm glow of peace in the word "easy"-- the choice i have made to see the less resistant path.
i choose not "better" in the way my younger confused and tortured self once did, but rather "easy." and i look back through the pages of life at a beautiful contrast that has swept me godspeed to where i currently lay.

peace for me. love for you.