(originally posted on July 5, 2009)
I believe I have come upon a revelation for myself... let's hope that you can share in the exuberance of my experience. Over the past few days I have toyed with the idea of sharing this idea I have stumbled across, but as I keep revisiting the notion of sharing, I have decided that is what I shall do.
A few days ago, I was in the shower... thinking... as I usually do... Something that I have been thinking for a long time, a singular idea, had transformed itself-- no, mutated-- and rolled into some recent knowledge.
Let me explain:
For years, I have understood the physics of light and heat... We use words like "Bright" and "Dark" or "Warm" and "Cold" but when you break it down... there really only is "Light" and "The Absence of Light" or "Heat" and "The Absence of Heat"
Well, let's think on this... In outer space, we can see Light coming from a star or sun, or reflecting off a planet or moon... but otherwise, there is The Absence of Light. "Darkness." "Space." Likewise, in outer space, there is no atmosphere to hold on to the radiation emitted from the Sun. So astronauts feel comfortable in their suits in the presence of this Heat... until they round to the back side of the moon where they are in The Absence of Heat.
So I came to this thought with the soapy water dribbling down my face one morning and it clicked into the idea of Resistance. Many people find things "hard" in their life because they are resisting something, anything, everything. And I have found the teachings of Abraham-Hicks and many, many others to explain that in the process of Allowing, you have found The Absence of Resistance. This is "The Secret." Allowing what you are Attracting.
And I use the words this way to convey the relative action involved... Resistance is the action... The Absence of Resistance is the goal... to Allow... and thats really the "easy" part..
To Resist is to see the distance from where you are to where you want to be... to Resist is to feel bad about not having your desires in the present...
But to find The Absence of Resistance is to see your desires and relax in knowing, having faith, that they are coming and on the way down the easiest path to you... to Allow is to sit back on this journey, this exhilarating ride of life and ENJOY...
To Resist is to wake up, already frustrated with your day before its started, to yell at people in traffic, mumble judgments about people and the world around you, spill the coffee on your shirt, get yelled at by the boss, smear mustard on your pants at the lunch that didn't taste good, get snickered at by coworkers, get a ticket on the way home and have the power be out on your street all night long...
and while the unfamiliar may look around and observe these as things that happen TO YOU, the familiar understand that your attitude, your action of Resistance is what started the whole process... your action brought you to the frustrations...
To Allow is to wake up, loving the sun on your face, the refreshing drops of water across your skin as you easily get ready in the perfect pace to be on time, driving effortlessly through the world to get where you want, finding the perfect music on the radio, seeing humorous advertisments, compliments at work, good food for lunch, and good television and books to read at home with a loving family to help keep you active and feeling loved.
You see, to RESIST is the hard part... it causes the pain... it is the action...
You see, to ALLOW is the easy part... it allows the joy... it is the non-action...
So... my advice today (and everyday) is to stop the hard action and relax into the easy non-action.
Allow yourself to love and see the loving nature of the world around you. Allow yourself to envision the world as you want it and have faith that its already on its way, piece by piece. And it now requires no more action. Not one bit.
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