“To dream anything that you want to dream. That's the beauty of the human mind. To do anything that you want to do. That is the strength of the human will. To trust yourself to test your limits. That is the courage to succeed.”...to which I replied:
"nice... but i think i don't have to test my limits to succeed... i think success is on its way all the time, like standing in the middle of an endless shower of shooting stars, perfect burning embers, radiantly storming into our lives~~ I just have to have the courage to turn with the flow, hop on and enjoy the journey..."...and so i pose the question:
are you pushing your limits? are you pushing against the wall to see what you're made of? to see exactly how far the wall doesn't move when you push against it, to get more of the same with the struggle of always trying, trying, trying to do more, get more, see more, be more.
or are you slowing down to realize the stream of energy that effortlessly and continuously abounds around you? are you noticing the radiance and beauty of all that is, just ho-humming along in your direction waiting for you to notice it, to grab hold of the reins and blast off faster than you could have ever imagined?
don't worry which way you are moving... i write this and still i do not know where i am! but i am feeling that neither is right or wrong... but i can tell you which one is easier and will feel better.... :-)
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